feast on 意味

発音を聞く:   feast onの例文
  • ~を大いに楽しむ


  1. i shall feast on your pain
  2. feast on the mankind !
  3. in october of 1200 , minamoto no yoriie participated in kasagake (horseback archery competition ) at kotsubo-no-hama beach near kamakura with children of gokenin , and held a feast on a ship .
  4. when a long and narrow pond of 55m in length and 5m in width with a lot of bends and round stones embedded in the bottom was excavated at sakyo-sanjo-nibo-rokutsubo (the old address of the garden excavated in 1975 ), it drew attention that it was a garden that public kyokusui no en (the feast on a bent stream held in march 3 where attendants enjoyed composing poems while drinking ) were held .


        a feast:    a feast 一席 いっせき
        feast:     1feast n. 祝祭; 饗宴(きょうえん), ごちそう. 【動詞+】 give a feast 宴を張る, 客を招いてごちそうする have a feast 宴を張る; ごちそうを食べる This feast is kept twice a year. その祝祭は 1 年に 2 度行なわれる Mother made quite a fea
        to feast:    to feast 饗する きょうする
        (the feast of) pentecost:    (the feast of) Pentecost 聖霊降臨祭 せいれいこうりんさい
        a feast or a famine:     a féast or a fámine 潤沢か欠乏かの両極端,一か八かの大勝負.
        a lavish feast:    a lavish feast 大盤振舞 おおばんぶるまい
        after the feast:    宴の後
        at a wedding feast:    結婚{けっこん}の祝宴{しゅくえん}で
        babette's feast:    {著作} : バベットの晩餐会◆デンマーク《著》アイザック?ディネーセン(Isak Dinesen)◆イサク?ディーネセンの表記もある。カーレン?ブリクセン(Karen Blixen)の筆名。
        barmecide feast:    見せかけのもてなし
        blood feast:    {映画} : 血の祝祭日◆米1963
        bridal feast:    結婚{けっこん}の祝宴{しゅくえん}
        celebratory feast:    お祝いの宴会{えんかい}、祝宴{しゅくえん}
        christmas feast:    クリスマスのごちそう
        church feast:    祝日、祭日{さいじつ}


  1. "feast of epiphany" 意味
  2. "feast of lanterns" 意味
  3. "feast of lots" 意味
  4. "feast of reason" 意味
  5. "feast of the seven herbs of health" 意味
  6. "feast on a beautiful scene" 意味
  7. "feast one's eyes on" 意味
  8. "feast one's eyes on the flowers" 意味
  9. "feast one's eyes on the scenery" 意味
  10. "feast of reason" 意味
  11. "feast of the seven herbs of health" 意味
  12. "feast on a beautiful scene" 意味
  13. "feast one's eyes on" 意味

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